22 Nov 2014

Hi Delivering Air By Air!.

Hi Delivering Air By Air!.

Amazon Fulfillment Centers like the one in Tracy, CA, are massive buildings; installing a new HVAC system is no small feat in this 950,000 sq ft facility. In this video, Cooper Oates Air Conditioning uses a helicopter to get more than 20 new units into place over eight hours. It's the largest single-day lift in the company's history.

9 Nov 2014

5 Nov 2014

Hi Industries Serving Global Needs.

Hi Industries Serving Global Needs.

A chicken is interested in the person who wants bacon and eggs for breakfast but the pig is committed. It's a light quip (for all but the pig!) but it makes a relevant statement about what underpins our actions and how often we can overlook the significance of the...,
...., events we can trigger,

My intent is to start looking at the industries that exist because of the needs we have and the wants (or desires) that we are able to fulfill. In other words, we don't drive cars because they exist but cars exist because we need transportation and we, collectively, have found a way to harness the power in petroleum for a mechanical system that affords a more economical means to satisfy our needs. I'm being very brief here and know that I could comment on horses, wagons, watercraft and more but I'll let it suffice that you, dear readers, will allow me to build upon this premise, from the perspective I have chosen, without getting into the weeds (for now…).

What is that we need? What desires do we have the luxury of affording? We need food, shelter and clothing? And, Maslow tells us that we have a hierarchy of needs that veer into social psychological and spiritual realms. Way down the road, I may venture into some of Maslow's more subjective ideas but for now let's focus on objective matters where this blogs audience generally focuses its attention.

And, on we go to begin our discussion.....

Hi How to Translate Science Speak!.

Hi How to Translate Science Speak!.

Scientists and engineers know things that laypersons don't know. This is just fine, except when the engineer/scientist has to or wants to communicate with said layperson(s) about their field. Then the "science speak" comes out. In these situations there is often a high probability that one of the two parties will either become extremely confused and frustrated, or extremely bored and sleepy. 

Neither of these is the desired outcome...

I often find that no matter how boring a certain topic of conversation may be, if someone has a passion for it and can communicate that passion to me, I can find it interesting. Unfortunately, even though I have an engineering background, I often am bored out of my mind when talking to scientists and engineers. Why?

Here are a few pointers from Melissa Marshall (from TEDtalks) that are helpful when attempting to simplify your communication:

Be Relevant - Bridge the gap between your work and your audience. From the perspective of your audience, answer the question "So what?".

Avoid Jargon - Avoid or replace language that is specific to your field or that your audience would not understand. Don't use 'spacial' and 'temporal', use 'space' and 'time'.

Be Visual - Images, graphics, and comparisons are great tools to help your audience understand and remember what you're telling them.

Avoid bullets - Long bullet points can be a language overload to the audience. In presentations, try using a single straightforward sentence to present an idea. And link these sentences to visuals when appropriate.

I Just Saved A Bunch Of Words...,

4 Nov 2014

Hi Top Ten Engineering Hero's!.

Hi Top Ten Engineering Hero's!.

Engineering Hero Countdown: Top 10!

These are the top 10 engineers as voted for by you:
10) Jagadish Chandra Bose (1858-1937) was a Bengali polymath and writer of science fiction. In 1895, he made a public demonstration of wireless radio, which was ignored by the public. Marconi (no. 17 on our list) was credited for his demonstration two years later in 1897, although Bose is slowly gaining recognition as the true radio pioneer. One of his main contributions to the science world is his research into plant intelligence using the crescograph, his own invention which measured plant response to various stimuli.
9) James Watt (1735-1819) was a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, known for his improvements to steam engine technology. By introducing the separate condenser into steam engines, he greatly improved their efficiency, and became one of the pioneers of the Industrial Revolution. He also developed the concept of horsepower and the watt, the SI unit, is named after him. Despite his fame and recognition, Watt never gained much money from his inventions, and had to deal with financial problems all his life.

8) Alberto Santos-Dumont (1873-1932) was a Brazilian aviation pioneer, who made the first significant flight of a powered aeroplane in Europe with his N0. 14-bis. Santos designed and built the first working dirigible, after developing many air balloon designs. In 1906 he flew from Parc Saint Cloud to the Eiffel Tower and back in less than 30 minutes, which won him the prestigious Deutsch de la Meurthe prize. There is some controversy regarding who flew the first aeroplane, Santos-Dumont or the Wright Brothers (who also appear on our top 20 list).
7) Grace Hopper (1906-1992) was a pioneering American computer scientist who led the advance of software development concepts. She designed the first ever English-like data processing language, FLOW-MATIC, which greatly influenced future programming languages. Grace Hopper was also a United States Navy Admiral. In 1973, she became the first woman to be made a distinguished fellow of the British Computer Society. Because of her perseverance, talent and stamina, she is often referred to as “Amazing Grace”
6) Alan Turing (1912-1954) was an English computer scientist, war-time code breaker, mathematician and philosopher. He is renowned for introducing the ‘universal Turing machine’ in 1936, a pioneering model of a general purpose computer. During the second world war, he became head of a code breaking unit, designing a series of complex code breaking machines called ‘bombes’. His impact on the world of logic and computing was immense, and Turing is considered the father of artificial intelligence.

5) Archimedes (287 BC – 212 BC) was an Ancient Greek mathematician, astronomer and inventor. He is celebrated as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, and applied his mathematical principles to build many useful objects and machines. One of his greatest inventions is the Archimedes screw, developed to remove bilge water from the Syracusia, a ship that carried up to 600 people. The design was so effective that it is still in use today (more than 2000 years later!), for pumping liquids and granulated solids.
4) Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) was an English mathematician, considered to be the founder of scientific computing. She worked with Charles Babbage on his early mechanical general purpose computer, the “Analytic Engine”. While working on this project, she developed the first algorithm intended to be carried out by a machine, which is recognised as being the first computing algorithm. Her interest in science was not limited to machines and computing, and she also conducted research to try and map how the brain gives rise to thoughts through mathematical models.
3) Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a Serbian American electrical engineer and inventor, whose many innovative ideas led to ground-breaking technological developments. He is most famous for working on the alternating current, in a time where most people were still using candle light. Tesla is known for developing many technologies that were implemented by other inventors, namely Edison and Marconi. When Marconi (also on our list) sent the first transatlantic radio signal, Tesla namely said “Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using 17 of my patents”. Other inventions due to Tesla are  radar, and patents that were later used to develop transistors.

2) Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian Renaissance artist and inventor. He was a true polymath, being an immensely talented artist, engineer and all round scientist. Leonardo’s engineering ideas were vastly ahead of his time, with a range of conceptual designs including the helicopter, concentrated solar power and the calculator. Although most of the inventions included in his notes, most famously flying machines, were never built, Leonardo was an actively productive civil engineer. In 1499 he devised a system of moving barricades to protect Venice, and a scheme to divert the flow of the Arno River.
1) Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859) was one of the greatest English civil and mechanical engineers of the 19th century. He built the Great Western Railway, over a hundred bridges, dock systems and ships, revolutionising public transport. Among his many successes, he is credited for building the first tunnel under a navigable river and developing the first propeller-driven ocean ship. Brunel’s engineer genius wasn’t limited to public transport: he also designed the Renkioi Hospital, a prefabricated building which incorporated the necessities of hygiene by using ventilation and drainage systems.

Hi Top Engineers!. 

Hi In Pictures Series 2! Ten most expensive and extravagant buildings!.


Hi In Picture Gallery Series 1! Alemco Zawawi and its work in Oman!.


30 Oct 2014

Hi Dubai Parks and Resorts to include Sony Pictures and Smurfs Zone :)!

Hi Dubai Parks and Resorts to include Sony Pictures and Smurfs Zone :)!

Dubai Parks and Resorts, which is building a mega entertainment resort in Jebel Ali, will include Sony Picture Studios and Smurfs Zone, an official statement reveals.
The company, which is part of Meraas Holding, has announced that a deal has been agreed with Sony Pictures Consumer Products and International Merchandising, Promotion and Services (IMPS) to have a presence at motiongateTM Dubai, a Hollywood-inspired theme park taking shape at Dubai’s latest entertainment destination.

Twelve themed attractions will make up the Sony Pictures Studio and Smurfs Zone, and will be inspired by popular Sony Pictures releases such as Cloudy with a Chance of MeatballsHotel Transylvania,GhostbustersThe Green HornetUnderworldZombieland, as well as hosting the The Smurfs.
motiongateTM will be one of three theme parks to compromise Dubai Parks and Resorts, along with Bollywood Parks and Legoland Dubai.  According to the company, phase one of the project has begun and will be completed by 2016.
Following the announcement, Raed Al Nuaimi, CEO of Dubai Parks and Resorts LLC, says: “motiongateTM Dubai has been designed to span a breath-taking four million square feet of Dubai Parks and Resorts and is anticipated to attract three million visitors annually. We welcome Sony Pictures’ and IMPS’s presence at motiongateTM Dubai. With their legacy of excellence in entertaining audiences, we are confident Sony Pictures and the Smurfs Zone will add an exhilarating new dimension to the Middle East’s entertainment landscape.”

24 Oct 2014

(Hi) Can the internet save us from climate change?

(Hi) Can the internet save us from climate change?

In one word? Yes!
According to the classic Hot, Flat and Crowded book by Prof. Thomas L Friedman, the challenge ahead for us is to create a system that takes into account the 3 main points of "climate weirdness" (like the author likes to call it):
(1) Speed (we must move fast in our actions if we want to have a chance to stop climate change)
(2) Protection (we have to stop what we already have from being destroyed)
(3) Innovation / education (we have to intensify our knowledge sharing in order to achieve breakthroughs to create a new generation of the Earth’s guardians).
How could we build such a system in such a short time? Well, maybe the answer is that we do not need to build one from scratch but utilize what we already. That is, we need to utilize the Internet.
Thinking along those lines, a businessman, a native Brazilian tribe leader and a group of rubber tappers built one of the most forward-thinking initiatives in Amazon Rain forest protection - the “Yorenka Atame Forest University”.
A university, which is located literally in the middle of nowhere in the Amazon Forest (accessible only by boat), forms a center where the Amazon’s stakeholders share knowledge, later applying what they learn back to the forest.
The university has two classrooms, a library and a guest home for 40 people, but what makes it unique is the vision of the university, which has been crafted by the native Brazilian Ashaninka tribe leaders and other environmental leaders such as Chico Mendes (a Brazilian rubber tapper, unionist and environmental activist murdered in 1988 by ranchers opposed to his activism).
"Their vision conveys the main point that the forest itself teaches how to preserve the forest."
The challenge faced by the “white men” was how to introduce useful resources such as technology (video cameras, computers and Internet) without jeopardizing the traditional culture of the native Brazilians.
After long debate it was decided to implement the technologies.
The wise decision started to show results and illustrates how the Internet could play an important role in the protection of our global resources.
In 2004, a Peruvian "wood hunter" group got into the area, (in the past when such invasion occurred, the only way out would be to engage in deadly combat (which usually contributed to the native Brazilians drop in numbers) but this time using the “white-man” technology, the native Brazilians started sending out e-mails that reached the mass media and the government and in a couple of days a military force came to rescue the native Brazilians.
The Internet became the point of communication not only among the tribes (some of the tribes live hundreds of miles apart) but also with the world.
So, if the Internet works for protection. Can it work in other areas of Climate Change? , The answer is "yes."
Innovation and education have been covered by the millions of Websites focusing on “the green issues” by providing valuable resources and tools that enable anyone to re-think, re-create and “react” on our climate change challenges.
Another example of how the Internet can be such a powerful tool was the tweetsgiving.org website that raised over $10,000 in just 48 hours through the power of Twitter and social media. 336 contributors collectively raised enough money to fund a new classroom for a school in Tanzania.
The Internet can positively contribute to a greener society. What we may see next is the “Web Green point zero” approach where the connectivity of the new Internet contribute to make the world a greener place and that is what my startup (Fullcircle Innovations) is all about it.

22 Oct 2014




White Craft Glue:
This is the most common craft glue for porous lightweight materials such as paper, cardboard, cloth, and kids’ crafts. 
Water is the carrier; this means easy clean up and low toxicity.  Keep in mind that the glue must dry before strength is significant and the project often requires clamping to hold it in place until the glue is completely set and dry.  This also means that white craft glue should not be used in applications that require water resistance.
White craft glue dries clear and is somewhat flexible. Get creative and add fillers, like fine glitter, pigment, or water-based food coloring for decorative effects. 
~1 hour set time, with final cure in 24 hours.
Yellow Wood Glue:
Yellow wood glue is also water based – and is made of the same vinyl acetate polymers as craft glue.  It is designed to work with wood and is immediately tacky for better hold in the uncured state.  It is also generally more rigid, hence it is easier to sand.   Some wood glue can also be white and dry clear.  Make sure to read the labels.  Again, you can add sawdust or another powdered filler for special effects. 
Wood glues set in ~less than 1 hr.   That said, it could take as long as 24 hours to reach full strength. 
Three types of wood adhesives are available: 
  1. Type-I exhibits some waterproof properties.
  2. Type-II will perform better in exterior conditions. These adhesives generally have a longer open time and can bond at colder temperatures. Both types I and II can be used for exterior applications, such as outdoor furniture and trim.
  3. Type-III is not water resistant and is designed for interior use only. Type-III is good for interior woodwork and trim projects.
Note: True water resistance for immersion in water requires a marine glue.
Super Glue (also known as cyanoacrylate adhesives):
Cyanoacrylate adhesives bond very quickly and to a range of substrates.  They form a very strong bond and dry clear.  The surfaces to be mated must fit together well to achieve good bonding.  You can buy super glue in a variety of viscosities which enable some leeway in gap filling performance.  However, super glues can be finicky with respect to surface contact and coverage- too much or too little can affect the bond.   In general, super glues are not good for foamed plastic, unless specified on the bottle. 
Cyanoacrylates work best in tensile applications that have low impact strength requirements.  In their uncured state, you can use an acetone solvent wipe for cleanup.  However, once cured, solvents can no longer dissolve the adhesive.
Cyanoacrylates work particularly well for balsa wood projects.  Carpenters often use a two part cyanoacrylate to quickly bond mitered wood trim.
Cyanoacrylates can set in seconds to minutes, depending on formulation.  It dries clear and is waterproof.
Bottom Line: Cyanoacrylates are good for projects involving: wood, metal, ceramic, leather, glass, and some plastic where bond line is very tight.
Hot glue:
The melting and cooling of polymers provides the methods of delivery and adhesion for hot melt adhesives.  Hot glue is most commonly applied using a glue gun and comes in low (250°F) and high (380°F) melting options.  Many varieties and performances are available depending on the polymer type.  Hot glue can be used on porous and non-porous surfaces. Because of its high viscosity, it can bond uneven surfaces together and is great at filling gaps. 
Hot glue is not typically used in high strength applications. And, it will not survive elevated temperatures near the application temperature.  However, it provides a very quick setting option for a variety of crafts and substrates.  It’s a great all-purpose craft glue for quick set up and execution, but it’s not for use by children.
Hot tip: With hot glue, you can trace patterns to form bead designs on surfaces for texture and paint over it for a 3D surface effect.  Hot glue is often used to add flower or ribbon embellishment on wreaths, headbands and picture frames where stiffness and strength is not such a concern.
Pressure sensitive adhesives (PSA):
PSAs are available in sheets and dots and can be used in a multitude of craft projects to include substrates such as lightweight paper, plastic, metal, and glass.
Spray adhesives:
A spray adhesive is a contact adhesive based in a solvent that is applied by spray.  When using spray adhesives, it is important that you apply in a well-ventilated room.  After spraying your project, allow the solvent to completely evaporate before mating for immediate bond.  Once mated, you cannot reposition your substrates.
Spray adhesives can be used with paper, foam board, fabrics, photo, and felt.  Specialty contact adhesives are also available in a can to roll or brush on for larger, more demanding projects that involve wood, metal, and plastic sheet laminates.
Application example: Spray adhesives are an excellent choice for adhering photos or fabrics to a foam board back.
Fabric adhesives:
Fabric adhesives can be liquid white glues like polyvinyl acetate (PVA) types. A variety of products cover lightweight to heavyweight fabric bonding, so it is important to get the correct product to match the hand or drape of your project.  Some versions are safe for washing and dry cleaning, but it’s important to read the glue’s label first.
There is an expanded selection of nonwoven tapes and fusing adhesives in rolled good form, which range from highly flexible to stiff for fabric and leather projects and garment construction. These can be found in sewing and fabric stores and can bond permanently without bleed through for a very durable craft.
Fabric adhesives can be used to fix a hem that is falling apart and for DIY projects like making headbands or constructing fabric/foam laminated computer sleeves.
Epoxies are generally two part systems designed for high performance bonding.  While epoxies can be formulated to suit many applications, they are generally very hard, durable adhesives that bond to many substrates successfully in more extreme environments.   Epoxy adhesives can exhibit a range of flexibility and clarity as well as cure speed.
Epoxies have excellent gap filling properties due to their high cohesive strength.
Polyurethane adhesives bond a variety of surfaces. They bond to textile fibers, metals, plastics, glass, sand, ceramics, rubber, and wood.
Polyurethane is a multipurpose glue that comes in one part and two part options.
Polyurethanes can work well on a wide variety of wood species, particularly on woods with high moisture content or on oily woods, where other glues are not as successful. Clamping is required until strength is built; a few hours.  Full strength is achieved in six to eight hours for a very strong and tough bond.
Before completely cured, polyurethane adhesives can be removed using solvents such as mineral spirits or acetone. Dried glue can be sanded.   
Glue Sticks:
Glue sticks are great for kids!  They are a low bonding adhesive, but do provide a permanent bond on various types of paper to include cardboard, foam board, and poster board.  Glue dries clear. 
Application examples: sealing envelopes, applying labels, paper crafting, art projects, scrap booking.


1.   Not all glues are created equal.  There are many variations within each category and from one manufacturer to another. Read the labels for information on toxicity, ventilation, recommended handling and use, as well as durability in a variety of environments.   
2.    Apply adhesive evenly and remove excess quickly.  Immediately clean and cap the adhesive container to maintain shelf life and performance.
3.   For optimum bond strength, it is imperative that the surfaces are residue and dust free. If possible, clean surfaces prior to bonding with a lint-free rag dipped in isopropanol.  Let them dry thoroughly before applying adhesive.
4.    For crafts and repair projects requiring some durability and strength, you can often aid adhesion by roughening the surfaces with fine grit sandpaper to provide “teeth” for adhesives to interlock.  If you cannot abrade the surface, try wiping with isopropanol or acetone before applying adhesive.   This is particularly helpful for smooth, glossy surfaces that can be harder to bond. 
5.   Experiment with the glue on scrap pieces of your project.  Check for appearance, adhesion and and resulting bond strength.

16 Oct 2014

Hi 10 surprising air-conditioning facts from the new book 'Cool'.

Hi 10 surprising air-conditioning facts from the new book 'Cool'.

Temperatures are going to be high this weekend; the new book "Cool" chronicles the rise of air conditioning. (Brian van der Brug / Los Angeles Times).

The easiest way to beat the heat this weekend may be to turn on your air conditioning. But the road to being able to flip a switch to cool down your house was not so simple. As author Salvatore Basile explains in his new book "Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything," the path to easy, affordable ways to cool down took a path through ice, ammonia, fans, pipes, blowers, coils and more. Here are some surprising things you probably don't know about air conditioning.

1. If you go to a movie to beat the heat this weekend, you're not the first. In fact, major advances in air-conditioning technology began in 1917, when theater owners wanted to fill seats during sweltering summers. With no home air conditioning, people flocked to movie theaters, whose advertisements featured lettering dripping with icicles.

2. In 1736, the English House of Commons was cooled by a seven-foot, hand-cranked "blowing wheel." The man at the crank was known as the Ventilator.

3. An ice-making machine was patented as early as 1851, but American ice interests, which had a network that stored and transported lake ice from cold regions, managed to quash it.

4. A variety of machine cooling systems were developed, but they were slow to catch on. In 1891, a St. Louis company transformed a beer hall and restaurant into an "Ice Palace." Chilled by refrigeration, painted with murals of a polar expedition, it displayed frost-coated pipes spelling out the prorprietor's name to passers-by. Those who left the 90-degree temperatures outside for the 70 degrees inside considered it merely a pleasant oddity.

5. An unnamed California millionaire was the first to try cooling an entire room in his home mechanically, in 1892. It was only 6 feet by 9 feet and required a false wall to conceal machinery, more of which was located on the roof. (Could it have been William Randolph Hearst? That's my guess).

6. Two early successful ventilation systems were installed in 1899 in Cornell's dissecting rooms (for the cadavers) and 1903, at the New York Stock Exchange (for the stockbrokers).

7. Willis Haviland Carrier, whose patents and ideas created the first widely popular factory-scale coolers, was so absorbed in creating his air conditioner that he once left for a business trip with a large suitcase in which he had packed nothing but a handkerchief.

8. The first fully air-conditioned residence was built in Minneapolis in 1913 by Charles "Spend-a-Million" Gates, heir to a barbed-wire fortune. The mansion, taking up three city lots, also boasted gold plumbing and a ballroom, but Gates never got to experience it: He died while on a hunting trip before the house was finished.

9. The first U.S. president to enjoy an air-conditioned Oval Office was Herbert Hoover, who spent $30,000 on the system just months after the stock market crash of 1929.

10. If you tried to buy an in-window air-conditioning unit in the 1940s, you'd spend about about $350 in 1940s money, which in today's dollars is almost $3,500.

- "THE END."

15 Oct 2014

Hi Airbrush Paint Booth Construction - With Lots of Pictures!

Hi Airbrush Paint Booth Construction - With Lots of Pictures!

No real progress on the layout front.  I have been "prepping the space" though.  
The last several days I've spent building an airbrushing booth to fit under my layout in my workbench area.  The idea occured me that I could build my own and found a host of reference material from other including another member on this site about how they did it.  I found this website page of particular usefulness.
The booth I made It measures 21" wide x 13" high x 20" deep.  
Here is a list of materials.

1/4 plywood which was formerly a 3'x3' 3'x4' crate that housed some lab equipment. So it was free! :D 

1 Dayton Axial Fan (shaded pole, impedance protected) Specs on the unit are AMPS 0.23/0.22, WATTS 27/25, 115 Volts. 60/50Hz. Can be had at Acklands Grainger here...https://www.acklandsgrainger.com/AGIPortalWeb/WebSource/ProductDisplay/globalProductDetailDisplay.do?item_code=GGS4WT42 

A 5 pack of 3/8 x 3" Machine bolts and screws (for mounting the fan and exhaust) also used misc. washers and small lock washers in mounting the fan and duct work

1 5" -> 4" Aluminum Ductwork Reducer

1 "Husky" 8ft long, 16 gauge "Light Duty Tool Replacement Cord". (It comes as a cord that you can wire up to whatever you want).

1 Levitron Lighted Switch (it didn't cost more and it lights up...how cool is that!!! :lol: )

1 Device Box - for the switch.

Carpenter's Glue. Not the white craft glue.

1 Tube of silicone sealant.

Package of 1/8" Medium Length pop rivets.


Jigsaw to cut the plywood.

Drill and various sized bits I mostly used 3/8 or 1/8 bits for the holes except I used a larger bit if I needed to get the jig saw inside a panel piece to cut an interior hole.

Sandpaper and Sanding Block

Various Clamps. 24" clamps are needed for holding the panels together while the glue sets during final assembly.  I only had two and can see how a couple more could have come in handy.

Long Metal Ruler, Square & pencil.

So where to begin...
I started by measuring and marking the dimensions on the ply. Once I had everything plotted I cut the individual pieces. I notched the pieces to add some strength. I'm also trying to build and assemble it with carpenter's glue so that I don't have use nails or screws and risk splitting the wood.  The marking on the ply you see for the side panels are not correct.  I extended them back about 9" in order to have some room to mount a switch for the fan motor and to cover the area behind the booth so tools and stuff don't disappear behind it.  As you can see I also tried to preserve the "Scientific Instrument - Handle With Care" stamp on the sides just for fun.

Once properly measured and marked, I then cut the pieces.  I also cut some 1/4" tabs and notches in the pieces to add strength and assist with keeping things square during assembly...At least that is the intention of them.

 I also ended up test fitting the pieces several times to ensure that everything would fit together nice and snug.

A test fit on the bench and under the layout.  Nice and snug with a little bit of wiggle room.

The ply underneath the booth was actually removed as it created noise when  the fan was running with the booth sitting on it.  So there is about 1/2 clearance above the booth installed on the bench work.

A picture of the Dayton Axial Fan prior to installment.  It is roughly 6 3/4" dia with an internal dia of 5 1/2" inches.  The specs say it will move 239 CFM of air.  I only have five feet of duct to move through so this should be plenty of air movement for my purposes.  Also make sure that the fan is oriented properly to allow the fan to force the airflow out the back of the booth.  The fan is marked with an arrow to show this.

Test installation of the fan.  Mounted using the 3/8 3" nuts and bolts and some washers I had on hand.  I wired it up to the Husky Tool Replacement Cord and the Levitron  Lighted Switch.  I highly recommend the Dayton cord for this fan.  It made working on the booth construction so much easier as I installed and removed the fan a couple of times.  The plug made this process so easy to do.  The cord  does not have a ground wire though and the unit still needed to be grounded.  There is a screw on the side of the fan frame for a ground wire which I attached an 18 gauge wire to.  The ground wire then follows the Dayton cord into the device box and is gounded to the other ground wires for the switch and tool cord and device box as well.

And its a go!  This sucker really moves some air!  I had it sitting face down and didn't feel any air movement at first.  But when I tried to pick up the panel I found that the fan was sucking my cutting mat up off my bench!  So suffice to say, its pretty windy back there.  
The next day I cut an opening for the switch box and drilled a 3/8" hole for the cord on the other side.  I suppose it really didn't matter what side I put it on.  For some reason, I thought the switch would be better on the right side, and the cord to plug it in would be better suited going out the left.  I say choose whatever suits your needs.

...and the switch installation.

Wiring at the back.

...and the side on the bench.

Next step is final assembly.
I picked up some 2 x 2 straping (which acutally measures 1 1/2") and cut four pieces to place inside the booth.  I then glued and screwed one of each piece to the respective sides, top and bottom and began to glue and clamp the whole thing together with Carpenter's Glue.  The filter medium will sit on top of the straping pieces and provide a 3" plenum behind it.

piece of the puzzle was to figure out how to attach some exhaust duct work to the back of the unit.  I picked up a 5" -> 4" plain reducer from the local Home Depot and proceeded to modify it to fit my needs.  I marked 1" in on the 5" opening and then marked 1" lines around the opening.  I cut tabs into the opening along the lines to create a flange.  I also grabbed a scrap piece of 1/4 ply and drew makeshift collar to attach the reducer to.

As the markings say, cut the inner opening first.  Otherwise you'll be left with a 6 3/4" disc to hold on to while you try and manuveur a jig saw around in a cirle.  The opening first, so you'll have more material to hold on to, while you cut and becareful.  (I'm sure there is a better tool for this, however the jig saw is what I have)

So far so good.  I removed the fan and marked the four mounting holes where the bolts go through and drilled them into the reducer and the plywood collar.  Not seen is a marking I put on each piece which allowed me to match up the pieces quicker.  Then proceeded to line them up, clamp them together in my bench top vice and drilled 1/8" holes in each flange to accomodate the 1/8" medium alu pop rivets.

Test fit with most of the pop rivets in place.

I then drilled and installed the remainder of the pop rivets.  I also applied a bead of silicone around the inside of the duct and collar to seal any gaps between the two pieces.

Finally assembly.  Mounted and securely bolted to the motor.  The pop rivets leave about 1/16" space between the fan and the collar.  I sealed this using a bead of silicone as a gasket and also applied a bead of silicone aorund the area where the fan sits on the back wall of the booth.
A parting shot of the booth sitting on the work bench top (taken before I installed the duct).

And that is pretty much is that.  Obvious considerations for improvement are a light on top of the booth which I do not have room for presently.  I'll get around that for now and use a lamp to shine a light inside the work area.  I am also going to install a hanging rack at the top to hang small parts off of for drying.  A "Lazy Susan" to hold large pieces on a turntable which can be rotated and a clear plexi glass cover to keep dust off of things while they dry.  I haven't decided if I'm going to paint the interior white or apply white bristol board ot the sides which can be discarded when it gets covered in paint.  These are details I'll be adding over the coming weeks, I'm just happy I got this stage of it completed.  In March I'll be installing the rigid ductwork to vent it outside.  Thankfully I don't have far to go.  
Feedback and suggestions are welcome.   

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Funny picture of cow in pasture that painted itself like a zebra

The planet is not so wild about what's getting fed to cows these days...


They were killed off because of their continual devastating raids on farmers' pasture weeds.


They hatched a cow-brained scheme to get organized and formed the group "Bovines for Easily Eaten Food" (BEEF).

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