22 May 2014

Hi Do Engineers Make Good Terrorists?

Hi Do Engineers Make Good Terrorists?

- "o, - before I incite an online riot, I should note this disclaimer: I do not believe you, sir or madam, are a terrorist."

However, your intrinsic knowledge of technical and mechanical principles makes you about four times more likely to be a terrorist…and therefore I've already submitted your IP address to the Department of Homeland Security. (I'm joking; we all know they don't need the likes of me for such tedium!).

I mean what is "terrorism" anyway? Nothing but a difference in ideals and an enflaming label to rally behind. But the past 20 years has shown subversive rebels in our midst represent a real, dangerous threat to everyone, everywhere-no matter your allegiance or location.

First, the anecdotes. In 2010, several high-profile terrorist acts were perpetrated by engineers. In February of that year, a software engineer crashed his plane into an IRS office. In March, an engineering grad student shot up the Pentagon. May was a busy month, as a network engineer tried to bomb Times Square, and a civil engineer was caught smuggling weapons onto an airliner. Let's not forget the mastermind behind 9/11 was an architectural engineer, and eight of the hijackers were engineers themselves. Lashkar e-Taiba, the Pakistan group responsible for the Mumbai attacks, and Hezbollah, the terrorist organization in power in Lebanon, aggressively recruit engineers to their ranks.

But there is hard data to back up this conclusion. This study reviewed 400 known terrorists from 30 nations in Africa and the Middle East, who had been born between 1950 and 1979. They discovered that terrorists tend to come from prosperous families, are better educated, and are three to four times more likely to have an engineering degree than any other type. And of those radical Muslims born or raised in Western countries, 60% are engineers. Other studies suggest that engineers are likely to have leadership roles in terrorist organizations, but are unlikely to exploit their knowledge when carrying out attacks. This means that the link between engineers and terrorism is based more on an individual's ideological beliefs than a targeted need for knowledgeable individuals.

There are a few hypotheses to explain this link. First, it's likely that engineering jobs in many Middle East countries were scarcer than the individuals qualified to fill them. Unemployment and class disparity quickly leads to civil unrest-remember the Occupy movement? The lone country examined where engineers did not compose a disproportionate number of terrorists was Saudi Arabia, a country where oil riches have indeed trickled down.

Also, in a demographic survey of engineers, it was determined that engineers are twice as likely to consider themselves both very religious and right-wing conservative; 46% of American engineers identify as religious and conservative, compared to 22% of scientists. It's been empirically proven that conservative attitudes prefer questions which provide closure, rather than open-ended challenges with myriad solutions.

In a stark contrast to engineer-terrorists, there is no disproportionate ratio between engineers and communists, anarchists or gang members.

So now it is your turn to weigh in CR4. Do you believe that engineers are more likely to be turned into terrorists? How do you explain the unusually high number of engineering-bred terrorists?

Please remember to be mature and thoughtful in your responses.

Hi Resources; Recommended Hi Reads Engineering & Terror Content Interestingly Validity Points Of Views Presented & Articulated Matching Up Our Nations Engineered Suspects!>! 

Hi Post Your Feedback, Hi Comments & Suggestion Welcome.

11 May 2014

Hi Fun Visit Days Out!. HVAC Humor!.

Hi Fun Visit Days Out!. HVAC Humor!.

I know it's hard to believe, but there are a lot of stupid people in our industry, and what's better than sharing a laugh among friends?  That's right, making fun of someone else is even more fun.

Hi Presumption!., Lets Begin...,

(Hi's)Pie Are Round- The Making of an Engineer:

Like all parents, the farmer wanted his son to have a better life than he had, and again, like most parents, he viewed sending the boy to college as the best way to accomplish this.
So, the farmer scrimped and saved until he had enough money to send his son off to college to become an engineer.
The boy studied hard and was doing well but could hardly wait for the first school break to come home and see his parents.
The boy came home, walked in the house, and hugged his mother and father. After some small talk the father said "well, let's hear some of that engineer schooling you been getting".
The boy thought for a moment and proudly said "Well, I learned Pie-R-Squared"
The farmer took off his hat, scratched his head, and dropped his gaze to the floor.
He slowly looked up at his son and said:

Damn it boy! Don't you know nuthin! Any dang fool knows that pie are ROUND!!! I should've used that college money to buy a new tractor.

The moral to this story? Just because they don't understand you, doesn't mean you're wrong! 

(Hi) The old "Hilti the tool-box to the floor" Joke...

Beware! Some technicians have a warped sense of humor. Take one of Zen’s contributing writers (please, take him). We'll call him John; not to protect him...we call him that 'cause that's his name. He finds great humor in using a Hilti gun to “secure” peoples tool boxes to mechanical room floors…he’s a sick man.

(Hi)Trade Names:

*Many Trades are know best by their "given" names...here's an updated list...,
- Electrician = Sparky.
- Structural Mechanic = Grunt.
- Plumber = Turd Herder.
- Sheet Metal Mechanic = Tin Knocker.
- Piper = Vic (as in Victaulic).
- Carpenter = Wood Chuck.
- Site Worker = Ground Hog.
- Roofer = Animal.
- HVAC Technician = Prima Donna.
*Note: "Actually calling any of the above by their "trade names" may result in physical violence or laughter...be careful."
HVAC => Hot-Very-Angry-Customer.

(Hi) Service With A Smile:

(Hi) Testing Your HVAC IQ:

Dealing with a heating or cooling system is not an everyday occurrence for most people. 

By taking this HVAC test of 20 questions, you can quickly and easily find out how much (or how little) you know about the most expensive appliance in your home (and maybe save yourself some time and money too).

1.HVAC stands for Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning.
a. True
 b. False
2.A HVAC system consumes approximately what % of your total annual energy bill?
 a. 10-15%
 b. 20-25%
 c. 30-40
d. 45-55%
3.The most important thing to consider when purchasing a new HVAC system is:
 a. Get the best price.
 b. Get a system with the highest efficiency.
c. Select a contractor you can trust.
 d. Select Name Brand equipment.
4.In our area, the most popular types of systems used to heat & cool residences are:
 a. Forced warm air furnaces with ductwork.
 b. Hot water systems (baseboard or radiators).
c. Heat Pumps.
 d. Space heating (floor furnaces, wall furnaces, heaters).
 e. All of the above.
5.Which of the above (a,b,c,d,e) does not require a vent to remove the products of combustion?
 a. Forced warm air furnaces with ductwork.
 b. Hot water systems (baseboard or radiators).
c. Heat Pumps.
 d. Space heating (floor furnaces, wall furnaces, heaters).
 e. All of the above.
6.AFUE refers to the efficiency rating of:
a. Furnaces/Boilers.
 b. Air Conditioners.
 c. Heat Pumps.
7.SEER refers to the efficiency rating of:
 a. Furnaces/Boilers.
b. Air Conditioners & Heat Pump Cooling.
8.HSPF refers to the efficiency rating of:
 a. Furnaces/Boilers.
 b. Air Conditioner Cooling.
c. Heat Pump Heating.
9.IAQ stands for:
 a. A government Secret Service group.
b. Indoor Air Quality.
 c. Abbreviation for IRAQ.
10.A split system means:
 a. The system is cracked.
b. Condenser, fan, and/or coil can be separated and connected with tubing.
11.Relative humidity means:
 a. Wet relatives.
b. The amount of water in the air compared with the amount of water the air could hold at a specific temperature.
12.Insufficient moisture (Dry Air) inside your house can cause:
 a. Dry, itchy skin.
 b. Clogged sinuses.
 c. Increased risk of bacteria infection.
 d. Gaps in woodwork .
 e. Aggravated asthma & allergy symptoms.
f. All of the above.
13.The advantages of a programmable thermostat are:
 a. Reduces energy costs.
 b. Monitors system.
 c. Advises routine maintenance .
d. All of the above.
14.Zoning a HVAC system means:
 a. You have obtained the proper Permits.
 b. The City has approved the location of your system.
c. Controlling temperatures to suit lifestyle requirements.
15.Steam coming from the outdoor section of the heat pump accompanied sometimes by a loud noise means:
 a. There is a serious problem.
 b. The unit needs additional refrigerant.
c. The unit is in the normal defrost mode; the sound is that of the reversing valve shifting.
16.It is normal for the outside coil of a heat pump to have white frost or light ice on it in winter.
a. True
 b. False
 c. Don't know
17.When a heat pump’s ability to extract the exact amount of heat from the outside temperature that the house requires, it has reached its “balancing point”.
a. True
 b. False
18.Heat pumps produce heat by:
 a. Combustion
b. Absorption
19.Air conditioners and Heat Pumps cool your house by:
 a. Bringing cooler air into the house.
b. Extracting heat from within your house.
 c. Neither one.
20.A cracked heat exchanger on a furnace causes the
 a. Flame to burn poorly.
 b. Flame to produce soot.
 c. Flame to produce Carbon Monoxide.
 d. Mandatory, immediate shut down of system.
e. All of the above.
I hope this little exercise has provided additional insight for the most expensive appliance in your house.

9 May 2014

Hi Egypt's 16 Richest Men!.

Hi Egypt's 16 Richest Men!.

The Counting Has Ranked Egypts Wealthiest & Therefore Most Influential Men Striking The Economy In Egypt Impacting The Outcome Of The Current & Future Economic Stability & Economic Outlook For Egypt!.

Who Are These Men?!?!?!?

Download The Report By Clicking The Link Here Or View & Save Document Below!

1. Nassef Sawiris.

2. Naguib Sawiris.

4. Onsi Sawiris.

3. Mahmoud Mansour.

5. Yasseen Mansour.

Hi Report: Egypts 16 Richest Men!.

Visit Hi Shelf Blog; Click Here To View Our Article Report On "Egypts Top 10 Ranking Companies In 2013!".

7 May 2014

Hi 3 Ways to Use Humor to Keep Your Audience Coming Back!.

Hi 3 Ways to Use Humor to Keep Your Audience Coming Back!.

Is humor part of your brand’s personality?
Do you wonder if it should be?
When humor fits with your brand’s online identity, it can be a powerful social media tool.
In this article includes examples of three ways you can use humor to grab attention.

Define Your Online Tone;

Humor is an excellent addition to your social media toolbox. 
It makes your brand memorable, invites conversation and improves shares, likes or retweets.
If you want to use humor as a social media marketing tactic, you’ll find good examples later in this article, but first let’s talk about the importance of defining your online voice (or tone). 
Humor relies on having the right tone.
I first heard about the tone of voice triangle from Bruce Daisley
He explained that each point of the triangle represents an aspect of your brand’s tone: 

Fun, Help and Give Info.
To define your social media personalitychoose the two elements that best reflect your brand’s tone
You don’t have to eliminate the third element, but the two strongest ones should direct your online personality.
As an example of how tone affects humor, let’s look at Bunsen Burger, a gourmet burger restaurant in Dublin. 
They're known for their sparse menu and the care and attention they put into creating their delicious burgers. 
- "It’s a popular spot for hipsters and most nights there’s a long line to get in"...,
If we apply the tone of voice triangle to their business, Fun and Give Info are their strong points. 
Those two elements (especially Fun) are reflected in their Facebook updates.
The picture below is an example of how their Facebook page is bursting with humor. 
It’s a perfect fit for their audience.

Before you start injecting jokes into your own social media marketing, take the time to make sure everything fits together.
Ask yourself how your offline and online identities work together. 
Does humor fit with both? 
How do your customers, fans and followers view you? 
Do they think of you as cheeky, friendly or edgy—or reserved and conventional?
Some businesses may be more suited to humor than others. 
- "Depending on your strongest triangle elements and your answers to the questions above, you may find that humor doesn’t fit your goals or audience".
That’s the case for Mark & Spencer, a department store renowned in Britain and Ireland as a quality brand. 
If they were to use the tone of voice triangle, their best matches would be Help and Give Info.
Their established voice is very conventional and is so strongly ingrained in its audience that humor doesn’t fit (although they can get away with the occasional bad pun).
If you've decided that humor is a good fit for your brand, keep reading. 
Below you’ll find three ways you can attract attention with amusing updates:

#1: Have Fun With Your Fans;

A sense of humor can go a long way when you’re talking to customers online. 
Of course you have to take customer queries and complaints seriously, but there are times when you can add a bit of levity.
In a recent Twitter campaign, mobile phone carrier Three UK asked people to tweet them a word. 
If the tweeter’s word was chosen, the Three UK choir would sing it to them.
People tweeted all kinds of words and Three UK responded to all of them with fun and a smile. 

Their followers loved the interaction—and the final video.

Three UK had a funny take on even the most bizarre suggestions.
Mick’s Garage in Dublin is another example of a company that includes humor in their customer responses.
Every Monday, they invite their Facebook audience to ask their mechanics questions.

The casual tone of the updates brings in a mixture of both jokes and serious responses.

#2: Tell a Great Story;

A funny story grabs attention and stays in the minds of your audience, even when the humor is understated.
Back in 2010, one of my favorite Facebook pages, Hairy Baby, shared a great story about Seamus, a bird that got stuck in their factory. 
Seamus was only there a few days, but the company posted a series of updates that have stuck in my mind ever since.
In this picture you can see that Hairy Baby took this adventure very seriously.

All of the posts on Hairy Baby’s page are family-friendly and fun. 
They'll make you laugh out loud from time to time too.
Zwartbles Ireland also tells a really good tale. 
They raise a rare breed of sheep and sell the wool and blankets made from that wool.
The company has given each sheep—and the Cat Shepherd who corrals them—a personality. 
The animals’ day-to-day antics are a central part of the company’s online marketing.
 Fans follow them on Facebook for regular updates.

The sheep’s cohort, the Cat Shepherd, has become so popular he got his own spin-off page!
These day-to-day updates aren't laugh-out-loud funny, but like Hairy Baby’s updates, they're cute, family-friendly and endearing.
Use humor in your storytelling and you'll ensure not only that people remember your brand, but also that they'll smile when they do so.

#3: Take a Calculated Risk;

Pushing the boundaries of humor can be an amazing boost for your profile or it can be wildly unsuccessful and do more harm than good.
Do you remember the JC Penney tweets from the Super Bowl? 
Until they revealed the punch line—that they were tweeting while wearing mittens—more than a few people assumed they were drinking and tweeting.
Some companies are more comfortable stepping over the boundaries of good taste than others. 
- "It’s a calculated risk, but if your audience is game, you could win big".
Over to You;
Using humor will help you be memorable, make it easier to connect with your community and help you define your personality.
Each social channel has a different tone. 
As with all marketing campaigns, the key to success is to know your audience and what’s appropriate for your brand and the networks you’re using.
The examples are mostly from Facebook and Twitter, as these are places where users expect entertainment, but go ahead and try out other social channels as well.
Instagram is a good choice for sharing funny in-the-moment pictures, but tread carefully if you’re sharing on a more professional website like LinkedIn.
What do you think? 
Have you used humor as a social media tactic? 
How did your audience respond?

I’d love to hear your thoughts, comments & suggestions.

Hi 5 Tips for Using Humor in Your Social Media Activities!.

Can you remember something funny? 
Humor can go a long way with social media.
Are you considering using humor with your social media activities? 
- "If so, this article reveals some tips to get you on the right track".

Why humor?

It’s no surprise that using humor in advertising is an effective way to connect with your audience and humanize your brand or company, but what about using it for social media?
Adding humor to your social media strategy can be a great way to get people’s attention.
If you appeal to your audience emotionally, you’ll have a much better chance that they will further engage with your brand or product. 
Doing so will help your customers remember you, share your content and have a better understanding of what you stand for.
Finally, an emotional appeal differentiates you from the millions of other companies out there bombarding their social channels with nothing but self-promotion.
If you're not “humanizing” your brand, product or business, then you might be missing out on a ton of unseen potential.
Here are 5 tips to help you get started:

#1: Ask yourself WWJD?;

(What Would Jerry Do?);
Jerry Seinfeld has a simple formula for comedy. 
He takes everyday situations and asks himself, “What’s funny about this? Apply this type of thinking to your brand, product or company.
A perfect example of this is Otterbox, a manufacturer of protective gear for handheld devices. 
Check out how they take a seemingly boring product and make it funny as hell.

#2: Keep it clean;

Steer clear of controversial topics and jokes in bad taste. 
A good example is earlier this year, fashion designer Kenneth Cole tried to be funny but instead won the award for most insensitive tweet of the year.

#3: Wittiness is terribly underrated;

Twitter and Facebook updates can go a long way with the right quip. 
Use your wittiness to compete against big budgets. 
Here are three perfect examples of how the wit is mightier than the ad dollar.
Here’s a tweet from “Rebel Red,” part of the www.MiddleSisterWines.com.
- "A witty take on a popular quote for a Facebook update from Cups and Cakes Bakery".
- "And a brilliantly funny Facebook update from Boccalone: Tasty Salted Pig Parts".

#4: Just because your company is serious doesn't mean all marketing has to be;

Don't take yourself too seriously. 
Poke fun at yourself by doing a parody of your company or your industry. HubSpot wears their marketing mullet loud and proud—mixing the business up front with the party in the back. 
Check out how they spoofed social media with Foursquare Cops.

- "And in this video parody, IBM had some fun with Art of the Sale".

#5: The best humor comes naturally;

Experiment by recording video interviews with quirky customers and employees
Again I reference Otterbox as they apply this principle very well. 
Check out:

Being Funny Is a Risk:

Some people might not appreciate your company’s brand of humor. 
Business owners need to observe their target audience to make sure humor fits.
Being funny may not work for healthcare, financial services or any highly regulated industry.
The target market must always be considered. 
Running tests and focus groups to gather feedback is always a great idea. 
Try using an online survey to test your attempt at humor against an internal audience before you send it out. 
Comedy is subjective so don't expect to please everyone.
Using humor in social media levels the playing field between big-budget creative ad agencies and a clever marketer. 
Try having fun with your social messaging. You'll know it’s working when your customers enthusiastically reply, “That’s gold, Jerry!

What do you think? If you’re using humor with your social media, let us know how it’s working for you. Leave your comments & suggestions in the box below.

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Funny picture of cow in pasture that painted itself like a zebra

The planet is not so wild about what's getting fed to cows these days...


They were killed off because of their continual devastating raids on farmers' pasture weeds.


They hatched a cow-brained scheme to get organized and formed the group "Bovines for Easily Eaten Food" (BEEF).

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