1 Sept 2014

Hi' Much To Do! Twelve Potentially Economically Disruptive Technologies.

Hi' Much To Do! Twelve Potentially Economically Disruptive Technologies.

In a nutshell, McKinsey's team (conducting the research) has assessed various technologies currently being developed and presented information on the twelve that they believe meet the following criteria:

A. High rate of technology change.
B. Broad potential scope of impact.
C. Large economic value that could be affected (by 2025).
D. Substantial potential for disruptive economic impact (by 2025).

Mobile INTERNET:Increasingly inexpensive and capable mobile computing devices and INTERNET connectivity.
Automation of Knowledge Work:Intelligent software systems that can perform knowledge work tasks involving unstructured commands and subtle judgements.
Internet of Things:Networks of low-cost sensors and actuators for DATA COLLECTION, monitoring, decision making and process optimization.
CLOUD TECHNOLOGY:Use of computer hardware and software resources delivered over a network or the internet, often as a service.
Advanced Robotics:Increasingly capable robots with enhanced senses, dexterity and intelligence used to automate tasks or augment humans.
Autonomous/Near Autonomous Vehicles:Vehicles that can navigate and operate with reduced or no human intervention.
Next Generation Genomics:Fast, low-cost gene sequencing, advanced big data analytic s and synthetic biology ("writing" DNA).
Energy Storage:Devices or systems that store energy for later user, including batteries
3D Printing:Additive manufacturing techniques to create objects by printing layers of material based on digital MODELS.
Advanced Materials:Materials designed to have superior characteristics (strength, weight, conductivity) or functionality.
Advanced Oil & Gas Exploration/Recovery:Exploration and recovery techniques that make extraction of unconventional oil/gas economical.
RENEWABLE ENERGY:Generation of electricity from renewable sources with reduced harmful climate impact.

"Let it never be said that people in need cannot be served, that there are insufficient tools or that we lack enough opportunity. Go forth and make it a better world."
 For Further Insights & Publications;

Including McKinsey's pod cast, image gallery, eBook & .PDFs report visit the homepage by clicking the following website link here.

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Funny picture of cow in pasture that painted itself like a zebra

The planet is not so wild about what's getting fed to cows these days...


They were killed off because of their continual devastating raids on farmers' pasture weeds.


They hatched a cow-brained scheme to get organized and formed the group "Bovines for Easily Eaten Food" (BEEF).

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