14 Sept 2014

Hi Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Electricity.

Hi Fun Ways to Teach Kids About Electricity.

It can be difficult to keep thinking of entertaining ways to teach the important things. 

Science gets a particularly hard time amongst students. 

All kids will need to learn about electricity at some point, especially as it is something we use every day.

These are a few ideas for keeping the lessons fun without losing the important educational aspect.

Explaining Electrons;

Perhaps the most difficult part of teaching electricity is actually explaining what happens when a current flows. 

It can get confusing, especially when we are so used to using it every day. 

It's hard to think of electricity in a new way. So what is electricity? 

- "Why, it's the flow of electrons, of course."

Get the class stood up, they are your electrons, show how they flow through a circuit, you can use props to be switches and bulbs. 

Getting the students to be actively involved is a good way of introducing the topic to them, and will be a lot easier to remember when it comes to tests or exams.


Little team games can be the best ways to get kids to work together and games help the lesson material stick in their heads. . 

By doing something for themselves it will make more of a solid impression, so that they can remember the principles more easily and recognise them, should they need to in real life. 

With low voltage batteries and small bulbs, it is a good idea to get them having a go at making circuits and experimenting with what can make them brighter or weaker.

Give them a range of materials which they can put into the circuit and see what conducts electricity and what doesn't. 

They can record all of their findings and share the results amongst the rest of the class.


Static electricity is a particularly interesting one because there are so many experiments to show it. 

All you need is some balloons and a volunteer's hair to show it standing on end. 

If you want something a bit more attention-grabbing, you can create a jumping 'circus' using a plastic sheet and a few grains of rice.

You will need to put down a piece of plain paper and put the rice on top of it, then charge the plastic sheet with some wool or other fabric. 

Hover the plastic above the paper and the rice will jump, because the plastic now has a charge which transfers to the rice and the two will become attracted to one another.


You or rather, your students can make batteries using unexpected household materials like potatoes and silver plated cutlery. 

You will need some wire and a light emitting diode too, but the class can have a go at making their own batteries and seeing who has the best circuit. 

You could also link it up to something that makes a sound like a buzzer and have a little competition for the first successful circuit made by your pupils. 

You'll have to be able to put up with a bit of noise for that one though!

Get the class involved, let them have a go at different things to give them a better understanding and overcome that 'science is boring' stigma that discourages a lot of students. 

"What's your most fun lesson? Please share your thoughts in comments below."

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